A gemstone is a precious or semi-precious stone made from minerals that are used for jewelry and adornment, after undergoing the processes of cutting and polishing. A mineral material can only be called a “gemstone” because of how precious it is, how rare it is and how durable it is. Rarity, in terms of how scarce a gemstone is, and durability, in terms of its ability to exist for a long time without significant deterioration in quality or value are two major attributes that make gemstones so desirable and appreciated. Many gemstones are also valued because of their extreme appeal.


The word “expire” means to exceed its period of validity or how long a substance can work for. This term has a strong connection to durability. “Expire” or rather, expiry (the noun) also refers to the duration after which a substance ceases to deliver results; this definition links and shows the relationship between expiry and durability. Do gemstones have an infinite period of maximum effectiveness? The answer to this question will require that we explore into the reasons and facts laid down by astrologers, professionals and experienced individuals.


Astrologers are people who practice astrology. And astrology is the belief that the alignment of stars and planets affects every individual’s mood, personality, and environment, depending on when he was born. The sun is the source of all energies and a mixture of wavelengths. In science, light coming from the sun’s surface is made to pass through a prism which converts the light to infrared, visible: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet and ultraviolet. These colors and their wavelengths are very similar to the ones in the gemstones. Astrological theories state that every gemstone has the power to draw energy from its respective planet and channelize it into the wearer’s body.


Gemstones prove very helpful in exerting its influence in miraculous ways. Some gemstones associated with respective planets are yellow sapphire to Jupiter, blue sapphire to Saturn and diamond to Venus.

Therefore, the first factor that determines the effectiveness of a gemstone is the magnitude or amount of strength of a particular planet that is needed by the native. For example, if an individual is to wear a yellow sapphire, a detailed analysis of the individual’s birth chart and the planetary position of Jupiter should first be gotten. This helps in finding the right weight of gemstone for the individual.

The second factor is the quality in combination with the weight of the gemstone. In other words, how much power it initially has before a person wears it. The more the initial power, the longer the duration it will last for.

Having established this, astrologers claim that the moment that an individual decides to wear a gemstone marks the beginning of the elapse of its effectiveness and validity.


Scholars and most experienced persons believe that these gemstones have the following periods of effectiveness: diamond (10 years), ruby and sapphire (8 to 10 years), coral, hessonite garnet and cat’s eye (3 to 5 years), natural pearl (5 to 8 years). All the other semi-precious alternate gemstones are said to have a lifespan of 3 years.

There are some astrological benefits for wearing gemstones. Gemstones when worn generate power by vibrations. This power is absorbed by the wearer’s aura and thus the aura becomes strong enough to resist negative outward vibrations from external sources.

Gemstones are also said to sustain the ability to absorb negative energy and pass only positive energy into the wearer’s body. After some years, the gemstone is filled with negative energy and its power is reduced. The continual or regular use of the gemstone leads to the reduction of its color and clarity. Gemstones like kunzite and jade are believed to have healing abilities.



Taking good care of a gemstone is important in maintaining its beauty, brilliance and effectiveness. Most gemstones can be cleaned with mild detergent and warm water. A soft brush or a brush with soft bristles can be used to gently scrub the gemstones.

It is advisable to rinse them in a bowl of water, because sometimes the stones can get loose in their settings. If they are rinsed in a sink, they can fall off into the sink and be lost.

Another important safety measure is to know the nature of a gem to avoid soaking gems like turquoise and amber for a long time; as prolonged soaking may cause them to lose their polish, sparkle or shine. A pure, soft cotton cloth is the best choice to wipe and dry the gems. They should not be exposed to the harsh rays of the sun as well as heat because they are harmful to both the skin and the gemstone.

Direct sunlight can fade a lot of stones including amethysts and smoky quartzes while pearl and ivory risk being bleached. Heat, on the other hand, dries up the natural moisture of the gemstone and extreme heat can cause fracture.


Gemstones should be stored separately because all gemstones do not have the same degree of hardness. Diamonds are the hardest stones in the world closely followed by rubies and sapphires. pearls and peridots are comparatively softer gems. If a diamond ring is stored together with a pearl bracelet, the diamond ring can rub against or scratch the pearl bracelet thereby causing damage to the latter. Opals and pearls draw moisture from the air so storing them in safe deposit boxes should be avoided. The best way to store opals and pearls is in a jewelry box with fabric lining.

Some of the things that we use like perfumes, lotion, cosmetics and hairspray contain chemicals. These chemicals are of different proportions in these items, and they can cause damage to gemstones. This is why swimmers are advised to remove their jewelry (because the chlorinated water in pools can damage them).

Ultimately, astrologers believe the impact of cosmic rays of planets in gemstones. And people who have studied the use of gems speak of treating them with care, storing them properly and taking care of them in order to maintain their brilliance, sparkle and duration of effectiveness. Having established this, we can come to the conclusion that gemstones can lose their brilliance, sparkle, color and effectiveness; and in other words, they can indeed expire.

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