Unusual Gemstones: Discovering the World’s Rare and Beautiful Stones

Unusual Gemstones: Discovering the World’s Rare and Beautiful Stones

Gemstones have been prized for their beauty and rarity for centuries. While diamonds, rubies, and sapphires are well-known and widely used in jewelry, there are many other unusual gemstones that are just as stunning and valuable. These rare gems are often found in remote locations around the world, making them even more desirable to collectors and enthusiasts.

Types of Unusual Gemstones

Unusual gemstones come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Some of the most sought-after types include:

  • Alexandrite: Known for its color-changing properties, alexandrite is a rare and valuable gemstone.
  • Taaffeite: This gemstone was first discovered in 1945 and is so rare that only a few hundred have ever been found.
  • Benitoite: Found only in San Benito County, California, benitoite is a stunning blue gemstone that is highly prized by collectors.
  • Painite: Considered one of the rarest gemstones in the world, painite was first discovered in Myanmar in the 1950s.

Why Unusual Gemstones Are Valuable

Unusual gemstones are valuable for a variety of reasons. Their rarity and unique properties make them highly sought-after by collectors and enthusiasts. Additionally, their beauty and durability make them ideal for use in jewelry and other decorative items. Some unusual gemstones are also believed to have healing properties or spiritual significance, adding to their value and appeal.


Unusual gemstones offer a unique and fascinating glimpse into the natural world. From their stunning colors and shapes to their rarity and value, these gems are truly one-of-a-kind. Whether you are a collector, enthusiast, or simply appreciate their beauty, exploring the world of unusual gemstones is an exciting and rewarding experience.

uncommon gemstones

What are Unusual Gemstones?

Unusual gemstones are rare and unique stones that are not commonly found in jewelry or gemstone collections. These gemstones are often prized for their distinctive colors, patterns, and shapes.

Unlike common gemstones such as diamonds, rubies, and sapphires, unusual gemstones are not widely recognized or sought after. However, they are highly valued by collectors and enthusiasts who appreciate their rarity and beauty.

Definition of Unusual Gemstones

Unusual gemstones are defined as any type of gemstone that is not commonly found in the market. These gemstones may have unique characteristics such as unusual colors, patterns, or shapes that make them stand out from other gemstones.

Some examples of unusual gemstones include alexandrite, tanzanite, and larimar. These gemstones are not commonly found in jewelry stores and are often sold at specialty gemstone shops or online.

How are Unusual Gemstones Different from Common Gemstones?

Unusual gemstones are different from common gemstones in several ways. Firstly, they are much rarer and harder to find. Secondly, they often have unique colors and patterns that are not found in common gemstones.

Common gemstones such as diamonds, rubies, and sapphires are widely recognized and sought after due to their durability, beauty, and value. Unusual gemstones, on the other hand, may not have the same level of recognition or value, but they are highly prized by collectors and enthusiasts who appreciate their uniqueness and rarity.

Common Gemstones Unusual Gemstones
Diamond Alexandrite
Ruby Tanzanite
Sapphire Larimar

Overall, unusual gemstones are a fascinating and beautiful addition to any gemstone collection. Their rarity and uniqueness make them highly valued by collectors and enthusiasts alike.

rare gemstones

Types of Unusual Gemstones

Unusual gemstones are rare and beautiful stones that are not commonly found in the market. These gemstones come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Below are some of the most popular types of unusual gemstones:


Alexandrite is a rare gemstone that changes color depending on the lighting conditions. It is a type of chrysoberyl and was first discovered in Russia in the 1830s. Alexandrite is known for its green color in daylight and its red color in incandescent light. It is a highly sought-after gemstone among collectors.


Benitoite is a rare blue gemstone that was first discovered in San Benito County, California in the early 1900s. It is a type of mineral that is only found in a few locations around the world. Benitoite is known for its vibrant blue color and is often used in jewelry.


Grandidierite is a rare bluish-green gemstone that was first discovered in Madagascar in 1902. It is a type of mineral that is only found in a few locations around the world. Grandidierite is known for its unique color and is often used in jewelry.


Jeremejevite is a rare gemstone that was first discovered in Siberia in the late 1800s. It is a type of mineral that is only found in a few locations around the world. Jeremejevite is known for its colorless to pale blue color and is often used in jewelry.


Poudretteite is a rare pink gemstone that was first discovered in Quebec, Canada in the 1960s. It is a type of mineral that is only found in a few locations around the world. Poudretteite is known for its vibrant pink color and is often used in jewelry.

Red Beryl

Red Beryl is a rare gemstone that was first discovered in Utah in the early 1900s. It is a type of beryl and is only found in a few locations around the world. Red Beryl is known for its vibrant red color and is often used in jewelry.


Tanzanite is a rare blue-purple gemstone that was first discovered in Tanzania in the 1960s. It is a type of mineral that is only found in a few locations around the world. Tanzanite is known for its unique color and is often used in jewelry.

Paraiba Tourmaline

Paraiba Tourmaline is a rare blue-green gemstone that was first discovered in Brazil in the 1980s. It is a type of tourmaline and is only found in a few locations around the world. Paraiba Tourmaline is known for its vibrant blue-green color and is often used in jewelry.

unusual gemstones formation

How are Unusual Gemstones Formed?

Unusual gemstones are formed through a variety of geological processes, each resulting in their unique and rare characteristics. Some of these processes include:

Magmatic Processes

Magmatic processes occur when magma, or molten rock, cools and solidifies. As the magma cools, it can form crystals that grow into gemstones. Unusual gemstones such as peridot, topaz, and garnet are often formed through magmatic processes.

Metamorphic Processes

Metamorphic processes occur when existing rocks are subjected to high temperatures and pressures, causing them to change in composition and structure. This can result in the formation of unusual gemstones such as jade, lapis lazuli, and kyanite.

Sedimentary Processes

Sedimentary processes occur when minerals and organic materials settle and accumulate over time. As these materials are buried and compacted, they can form unusual gemstones such as amber, opal, and turquoise.

Hydrothermal Processes

Hydrothermal processes occur when hot fluids, such as water and gases, circulate through rocks and deposit minerals. This can result in the formation of unusual gemstones such as quartz, amethyst, and citrine.

Biological Processes

Biological processes occur when living organisms play a role in the formation of gemstones. For example, pearls are formed inside the shells of certain mollusks, while amber can contain fossilized insects and other organisms.


Understanding the geological processes that create unusual gemstones can help us appreciate their unique beauty and rarity. From magmatic and metamorphic processes to sedimentary and hydrothermal processes, each gemstone has its own fascinating story of formation.

unusual gemstones characteristics

Unusual Gemstone Characteristics

Unusual gemstones are known for their unique and rare characteristics that set them apart from traditional gemstones. Here are some of the most notable characteristics of unusual gemstones:


One of the most defining characteristics of unusual gemstones is their color. Unlike traditional gemstones that come in a limited range of colors, unusual gemstones can be found in a wide variety of hues, from deep blues and greens to bright pinks and yellows. Some of the most popular unusual gemstone colors include red, orange, purple, and black.


Another important characteristic of unusual gemstones is their clarity. While traditional gemstones are prized for their clear and flawless appearance, unusual gemstones can have unique inclusions and patterns that add to their beauty and value. Some unusual gemstones, such as opals, are known for their iridescent and colorful patterns that shift and change in different lighting.

Cut and Shape

Unusual gemstones also come in a variety of cuts and shapes that are different from traditional gemstones. Some unusual gemstones, such as tourmaline, are often cut into long and thin shapes to showcase their unique color patterns. Other unusual gemstones, such as moonstone, are often cut into cabochon shapes to highlight their unique adularescence, a shimmering effect caused by light reflecting off microscopic layers within the stone.


Finally, unusual gemstones can vary in their durability and hardness. While traditional gemstones such as diamonds and sapphires are known for their durability and ability to withstand wear and tear, some unusual gemstones may be more fragile and require special care. For example, pearls and opals are more delicate and require gentle handling and cleaning to maintain their beauty.

Overall, the unique characteristics of unusual gemstones make them a fascinating and valuable addition to any gemstone collection.

unusual gemstones locations

Where to Find Unusual Gemstones

Unusual gemstones are rare and exotic stones that are found in different parts of the world. These stones are highly sought after by collectors, jewelers, and gemstone enthusiasts because of their unique properties and beauty. Here are some of the locations around the world where unusual gemstones are found:


Africa is home to some of the world’s most beautiful and exotic gemstones. One of the most well-known gemstones found in Africa is the Tanzanite, which is only found in the Mererani Hills of Northern Tanzania. Other unusual gemstones found in Africa include:

  • Paraiba Tourmaline from Mozambique and Nigeria
  • Malachite from the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Red Garnet from Tanzania
  • Blue Sapphire from Madagascar


Asia is another region where unusual gemstones are found. Some of the most exotic stones found in Asia include:

  • Padparadscha Sapphire from Sri Lanka
  • Red Beryl from Utah, USA
  • Alexandrite from Russia
  • Imperial Jade from Myanmar


Australia is known for its unique and unusual gemstones, including:

  • Opal from Coober Pedy and Lightning Ridge
  • Black Jade from Cowell, South Australia
  • Pink Diamond from the Argyle Mine in Western Australia

How to Acquire Unusual Gemstones

Acquiring unusual gemstones can be a challenging task, especially if you are looking for rare and exotic stones. Here are some ways to acquire unusual gemstones:

  1. Visit gemstone shows and exhibitions to see and buy rare stones.
  2. Contact gemstone dealers and wholesalers who specialize in unusual gemstones.
  3. Travel to the source of the gemstone and buy directly from the miners.
  4. Buy from online stores that specialize in unusual gemstones.
Tip: When buying unusual gemstones, make sure to ask for a certificate of authenticity and a detailed description of the stone’s properties.

unusual gemstones


Unusual gemstones are a fascinating and beautiful subject that has captivated the attention of gemstone enthusiasts for centuries. From the rarest and most expensive stones, such as pink diamonds and alexandrite, to the lesser-known but equally stunning gems like tanzanite and larimar, the world of unusual gemstones is vast and full of surprises.

Whether you are a collector, a jeweler, or simply a lover of beautiful things, there is no denying the allure of these rare and unique gemstones. With their vibrant colors, unusual patterns, and fascinating histories, they have a way of capturing the imagination and inspiring wonder.

As we have seen in this article, there are many unusual gemstones out there waiting to be discovered. Some are found in remote corners of the world, while others are only available through specialized dealers and auctions. But no matter where they come from, these gems are truly one-of-a-kind.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking to add some excitement to your gemstone collection or jewelry designs, consider exploring the world of unusual gemstones. Who knows what rare and beautiful treasures you might discover?

Remember, when it comes to unusual gemstones, the possibilities are endless. Whether you are drawn to the deep blue of a tanzanite, the shimmering green of a demantoid garnet, or the rich purple of an amethyst geode, there is a gemstone out there that is perfect for you.

Start Your Journey Today

Start your journey of discovering the world’s rare and beautiful stones today. Research and learn about unusual gemstones, connect with dealers and experts, and most importantly, let your passion for these unique gems guide you.

Remember: When it comes to unusual gemstones, the possibilities are endless. Whether you are drawn to the deep blue of a tanzanite, the shimmering green of a demantoid garnet, or the rich purple of an amethyst geode, there is a gemstone out there that is perfect for you.

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