Gemstones are crystals which are made from minerals. Many of them are very valuable, and are classified as precious stones because they are rare, are of very high quality and are highly esteemed in the global gemstone industry. These precious stones include: diamonds, sapphires, emeralds and rubies. Other stones such as amethyst, opals, pearls, jade, turquoise and so on, which are not technically classified as precious stones may also be extremely valuable and desirable. Generally, there is a very high demand for gemstones around the globe, and this is partly because some people believe that gemstones can change their luck.


Gemstones are basically mineral materials that have formed and accumulated over a reasonable period of time. In some cases such as pearls, gemstones may be formed from organic materials – e.g. organic materials from the famous aquatic mollusk known as the oyster – which have undergone some processes that gives them (pearls) their composition, form and shape.

There are many different types of gemstones, which include: diamonds, pearls, rubies, quartz, amethyst, jade, carnelian, turquoise, tourmaline, opal, onyx, sapphire, peridot, emerald, tiger eye and so many others.

All of these gemstones can be grouped into two carefully distinguished categories known as precious stones and semi-precious stones. This grouping is usually as a result of factors such as: the gemstone’s rarity, the brilliance or sparkle of the stone, the stone’s cut, clarity and intensity among others. Apart from these factors, other things that can determine the grouping of a particular gemstone into any of these two categories include the gemstone’s popularity and cultural significance; however, these additional factors are largely secondary.


One peculiar thing about this grouping system is that any particular stone in one category to be demoted to a lower category if most of the determining factors change. For instance, when large deposits of amethyst were suddenly discovered in Brazil, the public perception of the stone took a dive among the elite – and basically all of global society –because the stone used to be prized for its rarity (among other factors), but now, it was no longer as rare as it used to be.

This occurrence proves that precious stones like diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds can lose their significance if copious amounts of them are suddenly discovered around the world. However, it is not clear if other stones can suddenly become precious if they become rare.


Gemstones are usually demanded and treasured for many reasons. Some people want to own them because they are pretty, and a sign of status and class. Some people buy them because they are expensive and do not depreciate easily over the course of years – and neither do they disintegrate, expire or breakdown; as they are usually very resistant to most forms of damage – which makes them perfect assets to own and invest in. Some people like them because they make good accessories when used in jewelry and to some, gemstones are worth treasuring because of the things they symbolize.

Symbolism is a very common theme when it comes to gemstones, as practically each and every gemstone has its own meaning. This is because of a lot of public perception that has fallen upon them over the course of millennia, which has resulted in a situation where every single gemstone is thought to mean something; a situation that is rather similar to the case of flowers, each of which is regarded to have its own implicit meaning.

But in the instance of gemstones, some of this symbolism goes deeper than hidden meanings. Culturally, traditionally, and also in some religions such as Wicca, gemstones or crystals have certain uses. Gems also play a large role in a lot of pagan beliefs and superstitions. Some of those beliefs and superstitions suggest that it is possible for stones to change a person’s mood, attract love, success and prosperity into their lives (among other things, depending on the particular gem used) and quite possibly change their luck.



There are gemstones which are believed to attract certain things or create an abundance of certain things in a person’s life. For instance:

  • Sapphires attract wisdom and gifts

Sapphires are blue precious stones that are very popular across the world. They are highly renowned and treasured for their beautiful blue color and brilliance. However, they also have an immense cultural and traditional history.

Culturally, sapphires are thought to symbolize royalty. As a result of this – or perhaps, as the cause – they have been used to make symbol of office, attires and regalia for members of several cultures’ royal families for millennia.

However, these blue stones also have another cultural relevance. Some people believe that when a person wears them on their person (e.g. in the form of jewelry pieces such as rings), or keeps them somewhere close to them, this gem (the sapphire) can attract wisdom and blessings to their life.

  • Tiger eye can ward off evil

Some people belief that tiger eye (also known as tiger’s eye) can ward off evil and prevent bad luck when a person wears it on their body or places it around them.

  • Carnelian can bring about happiness

Culturally and in certain religions, some people believe that carnelian can bring happiness into its wearer’s life by dispelling all sources of negative energy and burnout from their lives; including lack of creativity.

  • Rubies attract prosperity

According to some individuals around the world, rubies can attract good fortune and prosperity into the life of the people that wear them.


When one considers some of the beliefs associated with gemstones, particularly in regard to how some of them are believed to attract certain things into a person’s life (or dispel them), it become easy to conclude that (perhaps), stones can change a person’s luck. After all if, indeed, some gemstones succeed in attracting love, wisdom and prosperity into the life of an individual (among others), such an occurrence could likely change their luck.

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