Gemstones are some of the most desirable items in the world. They are usually formed when mineral deposits accumulate deep beneath the soil. However, there are some gemstones that are created by and within organic material (such as pearls, which are formed by oysters).

There are different types of gemstones which can be found across the world. They include diamonds, sapphires, lapis lazuli, rubies, peridot, citrine, alexandrite, quarts and so many others, which can all be classified into two distinct groups, which are; precious stones and semi-precious stones. However, each stone has its own cultural and traditional significance.



When it comes to crystals – or gemstones in general – there are many cultural references and claims about their application. For thousands of years, these claims and beliefs have trailed after gemstones, thereby building up a huge part of their reputation in the process. For instance, some people associate the possession of certain jewels with prosperity, luck, wealth, wisdom and even other less pleasant things such as death (black gemstones such as opals, in particular, have been historically associated with – or thought to bring about – death in certain cases). Much the same way, gemstones such as citrine have been openly associated with – and thought to cause – inspiration for thousands of years; which is why several artists, performers and creatives have been known to wear pieces of it in jewelry such as necklaces and rings, when they need new ideas or they’re working on a project. However, there are many other examples of such perceptions and claims about many other gemstones, including the following:

  • Diamonds

Diamonds are the most popular gemstones in the world. They are pretty, they sparkle when cut properly and polished, and they are also used extensively in the jewelry industry to make pieces such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings. Diamond rings, in particular, are quite famous in proposals and weddings worldwide. This is largely because diamonds are the hardest known substances in the world, as well as the hardest known gemstone; a fact which has built up a unique cultural reputation for diamonds. Due to the diamond’s remarkable hardness and extraordinary resistance to virtually every form of corrosion, it is generally seen as the best stone to represent the forever kind of love; which is strong, resilient and abiding. Culturally, diamonds are also known to signify love, strength and health. Some people also claim that this stone can attract all these things (i.e. love, strength and health) into the life of anybody that wears it.

  • Sapphire

Sapphires are precious blue stones that are known and renowned worldwide for their beauty. In terms of commercial worth, diamonds with deeper and more intense blue color are valued higher compared to those with lighter hues (this makes such deeper colored sapphires more expensive in the global diamond industry, compared to those that have lighter blue colors). Culturally, sapphires have been revered and held in high esteem for thousands of years. As a matter of fact, they have been used in several cultures as a symbol of royalty.

Also culturally, and in some religions and beliefs (such as Wicca), there are claims which suggest that sapphires attract wisdom and gifts such as blessings and abundance into the life of its wearer. It also has a reputation of being able to grant people protection against negative energy, even as it brings about spiritual clarity and breakthrough in the realm of intuition.

  • Emerald

Emeralds are precious gemstones that are basically green variants of beryl (which is a mineral). The green color in emeralds is brought about by chemical elements such as chromium and vanadium. Culturally, they are known to symbolize truth and love.


Apart from love, strength, clarity, protection, intuition and truth, happiness is another thing that people around the world place an extremely high value on. In some ways, a lot of people chase after their goals, ambitions and dreams because they see the achievement of those things as one of the surefire ways by which they can attain happiness.

Here are some crystals which have been claimed to attract happiness into the life of their wearer:

  • Turquoise

Turquoise is a very popular gemstone, even though it is not classified as a precious stone (i.e. the group of gemstones that are known and renowned worldwide for their sparkle, beauty and immense commercial worth). However, this special gemstone has an intriguing space in many cultures around the world.

Turquoise is known as a “master healer”, because it is generally believed to leave its wearer open to all forms of healing, especially on an emotional level. This gemstone is not just good for healing, it is also believed to help a person communicate better, and assist in boosting their good. Ultimately, this unique gemstone is believed to bring about happiness through the healing of emotional wound, provision of better communication skills and good luck into the life of its wearer.

  • Carnelian

In many cultures across the globe, this particular gemstone is rumored to bring about joy, motivation and confidence in the life of its wearer. Also, many people believe that carnelian helps a person attract happiness by removing lack of creativity and inspiration from their lives, along with other forms of negative energy which may be caused by mental, physical, psychological and emotional burnout.

  • Celestite

Celestite is a semi-precious gemstone that is not very common across the world. As a matter of fact, not many people know what this blue gemstone is. However, among cultures where it is known, celestite is claimed to inspire happiness in its wearer’s life by bringing about an harmonious field of energy which resonates peace and tranquility in their life, in a manner similar to the effect of gazing up into the clear sky on a sunny and calm day.

Some of these cultures claim that a person doesn’t even have to wear the stone on them in order to tap into this effect, they only have to place the stone somewhere in their vicinity (e.g. their bedroom). However, this fact may also hold true for many other gemstones.

Direct contact with the stone, however, is said to really amplify its effect.

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