Gemstones are used extensively in the jewelry-making industry across the world and are often promoted in the society by their notable commercial worth, brilliance, sparkle, beauty, culture and popular media. However, gemstones are not just shiny things that are used in making expensive necklaces and earrings – especially in the instance of precious stones – they also happen to be mineral deposits, which can be found deep beneath the earth’s crust (although, some of them can be found in the form of organic materials such as pearls produced by oysters). Diamonds are the most popular gemstones in the world.


To some people, diamonds appear to be colorless crystals that are worth a ton of money. However, there is a lot more to these precious gemstones than what meets the eye. Here are some of the most noteworthy things to know about diamonds:

  • Diamonds are the most popular gemstones in the world

Diamonds get a considerably greater rep compared to other types of gemstones because of their beauty, sparkle, brilliance and rarity. But these are not the only contributing factors to this gemstone’s great renown. Diamonds are the hardest known substance on the planet earth, and they are pretty too. Rings and other forms of jewelry can be made from them, and such items are usually a very good investment because diamonds are forever. They will always be in season and always make a statement; perhaps, this is why popular media has been able to perpetuate the saying that “diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” Quite simply put, this gemstone is ageless, and it usually goes with anything (because it is usually found in its white or colorless form; a neutral hue that blends well with virtually every color palette, which makes diamonds not only valuable but also fashionable). Asides the realms of popular media and fashion, diamonds also have a pretty solid reputation in several cultures and traditional beliefs around the world. This is part of the reason why they are used in so many proposals and weddings across the world.

Many people prefer to use diamonds for their engagement and wedding bands, not just because they make a bold fashion statement and they sparkle nicely, but also because they are the most physical representation of the “forever” kind of love, as far as gemstones are concerned. This belief is largely due to the fact that diamonds are the hardest substance known on earth, and as such, people expect that whatever marriage they are used to symbolize will also be strong and long-lasting.

  • Diamonds are rare

Diamonds can only be found in 35 countries across the world (and only within specific areas within those countries). Examples of such countries include Brazil, Botswana, Australia, Democratic Republic of Congo and so on.

They (diamonds) are especially common in areas of the world that have experienced volcanic action before; as this kind of places are usually rich with all the materials and physical conditions that are necessary for diamond formation.

The kind of diamond that is usually found in these parts of the world is usually that of the white or transparent variety. However, other colors of diamonds also exist (though, they are not very common). Due to the remarkable rarity of colored diamonds, they are usually more expensive and more highly treasured in terms of commercial value; particularly when their shade of color is of high intensity. Examples of other colors of diamonds include green, red, black, blue, purple, yellow and orange amongst others.

  • Diamonds take a long time to form

Diamonds are usually formed deep beneath the earth’s crust, as a result of a process that takes place over thousands, millions and even billions of years; depending on the available materials and the geographical forces at work in such (suitable) areas over the course of time. These precious gemstones – diamonds – are usually formed when pure elemental carbon is subjected to two forces (heat and pressure) at very high and extreme levels. The rate of formation of diamonds can take any amount of time from months to billions of years, depending on the availability of all these factors (i.e. the quantity of pure carbon along with the degree of available heat and pressure beneath the earth’s crust).

The process of diamond formation itself is very intriguing; these precious stones are formed by when atoms of pure carbon begin to accumulate under extreme heat and pressure, and arrange themselves in an orderly pattern within crystal lattice that is held tightly together by strong covalent bonds. This lattice is so rigid – and the bonds formed between the pure carbon atoms within the crystal lattice are also so strong – that it becomes extremely difficult for any other element or chemical compound to infiltrate it (much less physical impurities). However, this high level of difficulty doesn’t make the task impossible for certain elements, which make up flaws in diamonds; some of which may also result in the formation of colors.

For instance, the presence of the element called boron, within this crystal lattice, often causes the formation of the color blue in resultant diamonds; while the presence of hydrogen in conjunction with boron leads to the formation of the color purple.


Diamonds have a wide variety of usage in fields such as Feng Shui, where they are used to channel positive energy into a person’s life; simply by being in close proximity with the diamond wearer or user. Some people, however, are of the belief that a diamond must be activated. The manner in which this activation should occur may take different forms, depending on which religion, culture or belief one examines. For instance, there are some who claim that an activation ceremony – which involves a lot of meditation and intentional positive thinking – must be done before a person can begin to tap into the healing and success-bringing powers of diamonds; while others believe that an individual must simply be in close proximity to this master crystal (i.e. diamond) in order to activate it, so to speak. It is left to the diamond wearer to determine what method works well for them.

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