Gemstones are crystals and rocks that are formed in the earth. They may be precious stones such as diamonds,sapphires, rubies and emeralds. However, they may also be in the category of semi-precious stones such as amethysts, opals, turquoise, peridot and so many others. At the same time, gemstones can also be formed from the accumulation of organic minerals and materials as in the process of the formation of pearls within oysters.

For thousands of years, gemstones have been desired and treasured because they are rare, valuable and expensive. They are also used extensively in jewelry and ornament making.



Gemstones are very valuable for many different reasons. First of all they are rare. Gemstones cannot just be found in every part of the world (diamonds, for instance, can only be found in 35 countries around the world). And even when they are present, the process of accessing them usually involves a lot of hard work; usually in the form of mining or drilling.

Rarity is one attribute that plays a huge role in the determination of a gemstone’s value. For instance, this is particularly true in the case of amethyst, which was generally regarded as a precious stone before large deposits of it were discovered in Brazil. Following the discovery – and subsequent uncovering – of a tremendous quantity of amethyst (several hundreds of tons of it) in the 19th century, cutesy of settlers from Idar-Oberstein, amethyst no longer became rare in the global gemstone market. Or more precisely, amethyst was no longer as rare as it used to be; or even as rare as all the other precious stone. And since it was no longer so rare, many people were now able to purchase high quality amethyst easily. This reduced the value of the gemstone in the eyes of a lot of high-class gemstone and jewelry collectors and eventually led to the demotion of this gemstone to the class of semi-precious stones.

Aside from rarity, gemstones are also prized for their outward appearance. Factors like how shiny a stone is, how many carats it weight, and even how deep its color is; are only a few among the other qualifications of its value. For instance, in the cases of emeralds, rubies, sapphires and other colored stones, pieces that have more intense and deep colors tend to sell for a lot more (money) compared to those with lighter hues.



Apart from their rarity and use in jewelry and ornament making, gemstones have also be valued for thousands of years because of sentimental and cultural meanings and values which are attached to them.

It comes as a surprise to a lot of people that each gemstone has one or two myth, sentiment or belief attached to it. Some of these beliefs can be cultural, personal or even religious (especially in religions such as Wicca). For this reason, for several years, certain gemstones have been known – or said – to have the ability to attract certain things into the life of their wearers; and one of those things is success.

Indeed, over the course of several thousands of years, some gemstones have managed to earn themselves a solid street credibility – at least, in the global gemstone trade markets – for being able to attract success to their wearers like metal to a magnet. They include the following:

  • Citrine

Citrine is one gemstone that has a lot of good beliefs attached to it. Some people believe that this gemstone can clear a person’s mind of distractions and help them focus their attention better; even as it helps them to find inspiration and unlock their imagination. If citrine can indeed help a person do all these things, simply by hanging off a person’s neck in the form of a necklace pendant or bead or set within a ring that is worn around their finger – or just being somewhere close to them, in their vicinity – then it isn’t too far-fetched to also assume that this gemstone can also help its wearer attract success to themselves; after all, focused attention, inspiration and imagination happen to be very important ingredients in the generally assumed recipe for success.

Some people, however, claim that citrine doesn’t just provide the ingredient for the recipe for success but that it actually helps its wearer attract success itself. They also say that along with success it also attracts prosperity, wealth and abundance.

In ancient times, merchants used to wear pieces of citrine on their person in order to attract good business, sales, wealth and prosperity. This is why citrine is also known as the stone of merchants.

  • Sapphire

Sapphire is one of the main precious stone known around the world and it happens to be one of the stone associated to success and good fortune. However, the major thing that sapphire is actually known for attracting to its wearer is wisdom. Sapphire is known as the stone of wisdom, and it is generally assumed that wise people make smart choices when it comes to love, business and every area of life. And as we all know, those that make smart choices in life, at the right time, tend to be highly successful indeed. One way or another wisdom and the ability to make good decisions at the appropriate time will oftentimes put a person on the fast track to success; and this is one of the reasons why sapphire is highly regarded, all over the world.

  • Amethyst

While it may no longer be as rare as it once was, or regarded as one of the official precious stones, amethyst is still very relevant in the global gemstone market. Amethyst is still widely used in the making of jewelry piece and ornaments all over the world; after all, it is still very shiny, valuable and physically appealing. However, amethyst is also highly regarded for another reason.

Amethyst has always been associated with good luck, success and good fortune; along with good intuition and sharpened instincts. It is believed that wearing this stone will attract all these things into an individual’s life.

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