Despite being a neutral color, black is a hue that has long been associated with coolness, formality and the act of sophistication (a point which is particularly supported by common phrases like “Orange is The Black”, which also – coincidentally – serves as the title of a popular TV series). Asides this, black may also be viewed in association to death, grief and mourning, among other unpleasant things; which is why in some cultures, people are expected to wear black attires to funerals.

Black gemstones, however, are not very common. And this begs the question: “who can wear black stone?”


When shopping for clothes in a mall or at a departmental store, you may sometimes find the perfect article; a shirt that fits you very well, or a dress that is just right for the outing you have in mind…except for one thing. The color is just not for you.

When this happens, you have the option of fixing the situation by asking a sales clerk if they have other suitable colors of the same clothing. Sometimes it’s a no. Amazingly, this also happens in the world of gemstones (because not every gemstone comes in the color black). The ones that do, however, include the following:

  • Nuummite

Nuummite is much lesser known compared to other gemstones, because it is by far rarer in comparison. In nature, this gemstone usually exists as black. However, it can also exist in colors such as blue and green.

Nuummite is a metamorphic rock which is iridescent in nature and it also goes by “Jenakite”, its unofficial name. It is mostly found in a place known as Nuuk, in Greenland, and it is one of the rare black gemstones in the world.

Traditionally, nuummite is seen as an ancient stone that conceals the mysteries earth, as well as the secrets of all those who have lived before. As a matter of fact, a lot people call this gemstone the “Sorcerer’s Stone”, because of its supposed magical abilities (nuummite is thought to attract good luck and provide protection to those who wear it, or keep it in their surroundings).

  • Obsidian

Obsidian is a type of black – or predominantly black – gemstone, which is more commonly known than nuummite. This illustrious gemstone is an igneous rock, which is basically volcanic glass. It is typically formed when volcanic eruption or hot lava cools very quickly with the development of very few crystals.

Obsidian is known to be translucent in nature with a smooth texture, which adds to its desirability as a gemstone. However, it is also very hard and brittle.

In some cultures, obsidian is believed to protect its wearer against negativity, danger and bad luck. It is also thought to ward off confusion and provide clarity to those who keep it near.

  • Black diamond

Black diamond, or carbonado, is a rare kind of diamond, which is typically black (it may also exist in green, grey or brown). It occurs when amorphous forms of carbon like graphite get into a diamond’s crystal structure, thereby giving rise to its typical black color. Black diamonds are not very common as they are usually gotten from certain alluvial deposits (such as the ones present in Brazil and Central African Republic, where most of the world’s supply of black diamonds are from). Another way of obtaining black diamond is to grow them in laboratories, through synthetic diamond processing.

Black diamonds have strong significances in several cultures. In some parts of the world, they are thought to symbolize passion, power, inner strength, justice and a strong emotional connection between two people (in instances where they are received as a gift). However, in Ancient India, black diamonds were thought to be signs of bad luck or danger.

  • Black cat’s eye

Black cat’s eye is a unique gemstone that is identifiable by the beam of light that goes through its middle, upon close observation. This exquisite gemstone is thought to have many magical properties in certain cultures. For example, it is believed to attract good luck to sportsmen, athletes and adventurous souls.

  • Black zircon

Black zircon is a variety of zircon that is usually formed when zircon crystals are exposed to iron oxide impurities.

In some cultures, the stone is thought to hold healing properties.

Other types of black gemstones include black jade, black sapphire, black tourmaline, black onyx and several others.


Black stones are not very common so they tend to stand out on the rare occasions when they are sighted. This is because many people tend to go for white jewels or vibrant colors like red (e.g. rubies), blue (e.g. sapphires) and several others. Apart from their rarity, black gems also stand out for their unique aura of elegance, sleekness and sophistication.

Typically, anybody can wear black stones whenever they want. But some cultures counter the idea that black stones can be worn by everybody at all times. Culturally, and in line with several beliefs, those that wear black stones often fall into one of the following categories:

  • People in mourning

In some traditions, those who have lost loved ones wear rings decorated with black stones, in order to signify their passing. Black stones are also thought to signify the strength of their wearer in the face of loss. This belief however, does not apply to everybody who has lost someone they love. It does tend to pop up in some people’s mind whenever they see someone wearing jewelry decorated solely with black gemstones.

  • People with a particular zodiac sign

Some astrologers believe that black stones (particularly onyx) can attract happiness and good fortune to those who have Virgo as their zodiac sign.

  • People who want to use the stone’s (alleged) metaphysical properties

Some people believe that black stones attract good fortune and clarity of mind to the lives of those who wear black stones. Such beliefs also maintain that black stones can protect people from danger and bad luck.

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